Friday, May 26, 2023

I Simply Cannot Believe It, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   Girls, Sunday before last, ANNA Wintour and her daughter Bee S. Carrozzini, along with her son, Oliver, hosted a dinner of Theater--honoring those triumphant during the past theater season--and I was not invited!!!!!!!!!!  I, who spend my life chronicling theater on here.  Audra was there, along with Victoria Clark and Lindsay Mendez, destined to be the best Mary Flynn in 'Merrily' since Ann Morrison.  And we have tickets to it, in October.

                       I mean, what happened to my invite?  The MET Gala, OK, but THIS?  I belong here.  I will bet it has something to do with that theatrical sleaze Lin-Manuel Miranda.  Maybe he wanted to put the make on Josh Groban and was afraid my charm and erudition would overpower his incompetence.
Or maybe they did not know how to place Gojira, and maybe Baby Gojira, who surely would have wanted to go along, as well.

                        This is what it has come to, girls.  Ever since Covid, I feel like Anne Shirley in "Stella Dallas."    I am still seen about town, but not like I used to be.  Not like "back in the day," that is before Covid struck.

                            ANNA, darling, I am available, especially for theater.  Have tea and a discussion of it with me, and you will see for yourself.

                             Anyway, dolls, there is always next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Welp I’m not too surprised
    We tell it like it IS
    LIn Manuel couldn’t handle it
    Plus we’d steal his spotlight!!!

  2. Victoria,
    You are right. LMM wants the focus on him.
    Even at an event with ANNA!
