Wednesday, May 24, 2023

"....Delivers All The Society Babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                  Girls, have you considered that, despite being the greatest horror film of all time, "Rosemary's Baby" is also incredible fun? Never has horror and humor been so brilliantly juxtaposed as in this triumphant classic.

                   It starts with the film's titles, painted in shocking pink, and a camera pan across Manhattan, suggestive of one of Woody Allen's movies.  Only the macabre tones of a harpsichord on the soundtrack suggests to the viewer that what one is about to see may not be all one thinks it seems.

                   And this continues, with Elisha Cook's straight-faced performance as the oblivious realtor, or super, who has no idea what is really going on in the building.  Or the cameo of that guy in the hallway, to Cassavetes' left, using a manual drill to open an already opened wall, catatonically, while he and Guy eye each other.  Darlings, this foreshadows David Lynch!  

                  The real fun comes with Ruth Gordon, starting with her booming "Roman, bring me a root beer when you come," continuing with Patsy Kelly as Laura Louise who come in to eye the carpets and the furniture.  Patsy has some great lines--"On my first .. Dan used to give me gin to kill the pain," discussing her menstrual situation, to her fabulous, "Shut up with your 'Oh Gods!' or we'll kill you, milk or no milk," and the petulant way she sticks her tongue out at Sidney Blackmer as Roman.

                   How about the way Ruth Gordon twists her fork when eating her cake?  And how about that line, mouthed through a dream nun, "Sometimes I wonder how come you're the leader of anything?"  This suggests that while Roman, as the son of Adrian Marcato, may be the leader of the coven, Ruth Gordon's Minnie is the power behind the throne.

                     I have just got to have that sundial coffee pot the Woodhouses have.  Let's go back to the Sixties, darlings, how about those party coats and outfits?????????  How about Minnie's garish get-up?
And Hope Summers as an eerily cheerful witch?  I am telling you, the fun never stops in this movie.

                     Apparently, some agree with me, because the screening I attended yesterday at the Film Forum was packed.  Take a lesson from that, dears.

                       Anyone who hasn't owes it to themselves to see "Rosemary's Baby."  It is often overlooked in the Gay Culture Canon, but I think it should be added.
                       "Tannis, anyone????????????????????"


  1. Overlooked and Underappreciated!!
    A devilish delight!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Indeed. Mia Farrow should have been nominated
    for an Oscar for her performance. Still her best role.

  3. I agree!!!
    It’s been so interesting to read what was going on in her life at the time

  4. Victoria,
    Not only that, but how she handled it so well, andc
    still managed a hell of a performance.

    I still don't get her marrying Frank Sinatra.
    Or him her.

    Wonder what mother Maureen O' Sullivan thought?
