Monday, May 22, 2023

Pope Francis Does Have A Sense Of Humor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           At least in a dream I recently had, he did.  I was in the Vatican, and supposedly had been granted an audience with him.  He sat on a throne, and I walked towards him, carrying a book in my hand, intended as a gift.  It was an anecdotal book I had written taken from some of my blog posts.  I gave it to the Pope, who thanked me.  I bowed, and walked away.

                           I turned for a second, and he was absorbed in the text.  So much so he was laughing out loud, in a way unimaginable for a Pope.  I was glad for his response.

                             Maybe I should think about writing that book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. What could It MEAN...
    I love dream analysis
    Let’s hear your theories!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Maybe I need to write something, or am
    going to. And maybe that something will tie
    in with my Catholic guilt.
