Monday, May 22, 2023

Poor Betty Just Could Not Get A Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Every Theater Queen knows the iconic "Chorus Line" song, "Dance Ten, Looks, Three."  But who knew it applied to comic strips?  In a recent novel I was reading, the author made reference to the fact that the Archie comic artists always gave more curvature under the breasts to Veronica, while Betty got less.  Poor Betty!  Not only is she not rich, but her sample also isn't as ample!  What is a girl to do???????????????????????????

                             Is this some kind of sexist judgement?  Are they saying wealthy girls are prettier?????????   Of course, I always wanted to be Veronica because she was rich, but I always thought Betty pretty as well.

                                I wonder how this applies over in the Josie universe.  Does Melody have more than Josie?????????  I always wanted to be Josie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I am telling you, girls, no matter how many steps we think we have taken, sexism is inescapable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. So unfair; as a female, you are constantly critiqued on physical appearance.
    It’s easier now that I’m in my sixties.
    As a young girl, it was brutal

  2. Victoria,
    Young girls have it tough. And girls
    are meaner than boys. But even in a comic
    strip? Shows how sexist our culture still is.
