Monday, May 22, 2023

A Miracle In Connecticut? Only Time Can Tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       That opening forward to "The Song Of Bernadette" is most applicable in recent times.  This past March, while conducting a Catholic Mass at St. Thomas Church, in Thomaston, Connecticut, the Reverend Joseph Crowley noticed a shortness of hosts in the ciborium, which holds the sacred wafers.  He was concerned enough parishioners who wanted to might not be able to receive Communion.  Suddenly, the hosts began multiplying.  Not unlike the loaves and fishes, or the wine at the Marriage Feast Of Cana.  And not investigation is underway to determine whether this was an actual miracle or not.

                                         Girls, if any recent time periods call for one, this is it.  I have said Mary is overdue for a visit; something needs to happen to bring the world to its senses.  So, I am on board about this being a miracle.

                                           The church also has some connection with Michael J. McGivney, the priest who founded the Knights Of Columbus, on March 29, 1882.  According to church info, he needs only one more genuine miracle--I wished I knew the other two--to become a saint.  So, there could be a canonization in the foreseeable future.

                                              Wake up people!  If this is not a message from God, I don't know what is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Mary can't do it all herself, you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. WOW doesn’t it give you chills?!!
    Miracles are all around us!!

  2. Victoria,
    It does give one pause to think.
    These times need a miracle badly to make
    them think.
