Monday, May 22, 2023

It Wasn't The Madison, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      When Boris Aronson designed his glass paneled vision of New York City, where there is no privacy, for the Stephen Sondheim musical, 'COMPANY," he was groundbreaking   The Hyatt Regency Hotel, in Morristown, where we stayed this past weekend, echoed that design, but by now it has become so passe.  Unlike The Madison, where we often stay in the surprisingly over large community of Morristown, New Jersey, The Hyatt has no period charm, is gray and ugly looking, and, oh, my God, girls, we did not even get white robes for after shower wear.  And the TV situation was scandalous.  Barely any channels, and we could not even watch "Svengoolie," when we wanted.  But we will make up for it this coming Saturday

                       The party we went to, celebrating our friend Marilyn's 90th birthday, was fabulous.  A terrific turnout, the food was scrumptious, and the location had some charm, which cannot be said for where we stayed.  I will not soon forget Room 1017.  Oh, and I wore a stunning frock to the party.  I mean, that is part of the job of being The Raving Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

                       But, really girls, we deserved better--even for Morristown.

                       And whenever I shower away from home, it always makes me feel like Janet Leigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Marilyn!!
    You know me, I’m all about the FOOD!
    What was served?!!

  2. Victoria,
    There was a varied menu. I had chicken parm,
    with cheesecake for dessert. David had a burger
    and fries with some sort of chocolate layer cake
    for dessert. I would go back to this place.
    It is called Harley's, named after a dog, and the
    walls are covered with pictures of the cutest
    dogs imaginable.
