Thursday, May 18, 2023

Happy Feast Of The Ascension!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Darlings, can you believe it has already been 40 days since Easter?  That's right, and that means today is the Feast Of The Ascension, the day when Jesus said farewell to his time on Earth, to go back to heaven, and preside over it, and us on Earth.  And the Apostles witnessed this.  He just was lifted up onto a cloud and vanished.  Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Ascension Thursday is one of those reflective days, girls, and I don't mean your skin tones.  It is a time to reflect on people like Jesus, Bernadette and Sister Camille have done for us, and how we can do things that honor them.  I had a visit with Dexter and my new canine friend, Ruby, yesterday, and I am sure all would approve.  Even an animal friend I had not seen in a long time--Indiana Jones!!!!!!!!! He was so sweet, he sat right down, and was comforted by me.  As they all comfort me.

                            So, do your best on Ascension Thursday.

                            It occurs faster, each year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Beautiful post.
    Like I always say, we must fight the anger and hate and injustice in this wicked world.
    Through kindness, encouragement, forgiveness, humility, Art, music, literature,
    Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is LOVE.
    Love Bears All things, Believes All things, Hopes All things, Endures All things.
    Hatred stirs up strife, but Love covers a multitude of sins.

  2. Victoria,
    That is the truth. I do my best each day.

  3. and Laughter!!
    Has David seen any of the new episodes of Family Guy?!!
