Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Congratualtions, Tovah Feldshuh, On 50 Years On Broadway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I am sure all of us on here love Tovah.  To think she has been trotting the Broadway boards for half a century.  That's right, dears.  Makes some of us feel old.  I know I do.

                              May 13 is also the 106th anniversary of Our Lady Of Fatima, when Mary appeared in Portugal to Lucita, Jacinta, and Francisco, who are now saints.  But in 1973, on that day, a young actress named Tovah Feldshuh made her debut in the Christopher Plummer starred musical, "Cyrano," playing the minor role of a Vendor.  I am sure she stole the show, and she hasn't stopped since.  Not even in her opening movie debut scene as a murder victim in the ABC TV movie, "Scream, Pretty Peggy," also in 1973.  Nothing stops Tovah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              So, congratulations, Tovah, from all of us here on The Raving Queen.  May you have many more active years on the Broadway stage.  Theater Queens need their icons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Tovah Feldshuh certainly is one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. We love you Tovah!!!

    I just got back from the California trip
    It was a TRIP alright!!!

  2. You know how heartbreaking it is when you haven’t seen someone in a long time and the have declined, physically AND mentally

  3. Victoria,
    Wow! California! You really are getting around.
    Yes, I know exactly what that is like. I went through
    that with my childhood friend, Doug.

  4. Victoria,
    Who doesn't love Tovah???????????
