Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Speaking Of Authors, How Come No One Plays This Anymore??????????????????????????

                       I had this very deck, when I was a child.  Wish I had kept it.

                      "Authors" is a game played similar to "Go Fish," but with literary figures, which could help some children learn.  I knew them all already, but I loved playing this game.

                         Now, I don't think it can be found.  Do stores still sell it?  Can one get it on E-bay?  If anyone knows, please tell me.

                         The funny things I think about, concerning youth.  Now, as I age, aspects of the past become increasingly important to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. So true.
    I don’t want to become a “kids these days” complainer
    However, they don’t have the knowledge, even Basic knowledge, of literature it seems
    Heck, they don’t even know how to tell time or make change, or diagram a sentence

  2. I’ll see what I can find online about the Authors game!!!
    I, too, would know them All but still have great fun playing!!!

  3. Victoria,
    Yes, I agree with you about today's kids. Not
    only don't they know, they don't care.

    If you find out anything, about the game, I would
    appreciate it.
