Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Congratulations To Two Of My Favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Both of these favorites were on my Top Five for 2022; in fact, "Demon Copperhead" was my Book Of The Year.  Recently, on May 8 (also the anniversary of my meeting David) there were two--mind you, two!!!!!!!!!!--novels awarded the Pulitzer Prize For Fiction.

                          I thought Kingsolver had won the Pulitzer for "The Poisonwood Bible," which I also highly recommend, but no, although she did win the Boeke Prize, and an Oprah Book Club Selection for it.  She should have won the Pulitzer, because then she would have two, but it is about time Kingsolver, one of our best American writers, won.  Her retelling of Dickens is brilliant.

                           Likewise, "Trust," by Herman Diaz offers triple narrative viewpoints on economy and capitalism, with the emphasis on narrative, not business school jargon, as I at first feared.  It also won the Booker Prize, and while I never thought about it in terms of the Pulitzers, I   But I am as happy for Diaz as I am for Kingsolver.

                            By the way, girls, if you are having a bad reading year, like me, where nothing blows you away, I offer these two selections, if you have not read them yet.  I kept 'Copperhead' in my book cabinet, so, who know, I may read it again.

                             I am always interested in the Pulitzers For Fiction.  I can't think of a year when two books won in this category.

                              Let's congratulate both authors, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I DO congratulate and Celebrate these extraordinary authors!!!
    YOU are a pretty extraordinary writer yourself!!

    May eighth so romantic!!!
    I know you’ve told the story but I wouldn’t mind hearing it again!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you for the vote of confidence.
    Yes, David and I met on a rainy Saturday evening
    at a place now gone--the Riviera Cafe. By the
    time we finished the meal and he walked me to the subway
    I think we both knew.
