Monday, May 15, 2023

I Feel As Though On A Never Ending Hamster Wheel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   To start with, girls, I am in a high state of anxiety waiting for my new debit card to arrive, after I had to cancel the other one.  Guess why?

                                    This past Saturday, we saw The Gallery Players in Park Slope do a superb production of Sondheim's "Assassins," perhaps his last really good score.  I have seen two previous productions--most notably the Roundabout's in 2004--and I don't recall it being as short as it was--one hour and forty-five minutes, no intermission.  At my age, that is hard on my bladder.  But when the music and performances are this good, it is well worth it.

                                       Next Saturday, we are going to a birthday party in New Jersey, and will be out of the city for a few days.  And two weeks from that is my 50th high school reunion. Oh, my God, what am I going to wear??????????????????

                                           Oh, and this past Saturday we finally watched--
                                     That's right--1932's "The Old Dark House," which aired on April 8, but we had to miss because of the Easter Vigil.  It was worth it, with James Whale's direction. Girls, I am telling you, the Femm family is as crazy, if not more genteel, than the family in 1974's "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre."  I wonder if Tobe Hooper saw this, and it foreshadowed his film?  But you have to see it for
Eva Moore as Rebecca--
                     --who simply steals the show!  She is an anti-sin crusader, and does not like tramps, even though she and the rest had something to do with their sibling Rachel's death, and wait till you see her put the lesbian make on Gloria Stuart, in her sheer, white Jean Harlow style gown. Ah, the Thirties!  They knew how to make movies, then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Next week, "Svengoolie" is showing Ray Milland and Rosie Grier in 1972's "The Thing With Two Heads."  Sure to be a camp riot, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           What else can I tell you?  Think it easy being The Raving Queen!  Try maintaining this schedule, and see how you do, girls!  But I do it all for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Now, if only I could get a luncheon date with ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Victoria,
    The matter is straightened out, but
    two weeks ago we got a notice tht
    someone had gotten into my acct via
    the debit card. It has since been
