Friday, May 12, 2023

Girls, I Just Came Back On A Big "Wizard Of Oz" High!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Darlings, I cannot urge enough, especially those living in the tri-state area, to go and see what is probably the Twentieth Century's most iconic film as it plays every day at 11;30AM till May 18, at the IFC Center, at 6th Avenue and West Fourth Street.

                             From the opening symphonic credits to the technical wonder of a tornado recreation, that moment when Dorothy first opens the door, and one's eyes are almost blinded by color, not to mention the ecstasy of Garland's talent, and sadly what became of it, which is why so many like me cry at the end, this is a film experience, if never experienced, needs to be.  So, I want all of you to get out and support the IFC showing this classic gem.

                               It holds up again and again.  There is nothing like it.  Queens, and even a few Kings should make it a point to see it on the big screen.

                               Sure to surpass any other viewing one has had.

                              All aboard for Oz, dolls!  I may go back on Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  


  1. Sounds wonderful!!!
    I NEED a Wizard Of OZ high right about now!!
    or ANY high
    Just kidding, I’ve never done drugs in my life and I’m not about to start now!!

  2. Victoria,
    Seeing this movie on the screen is the best high there is!!!!!!!!!!!
