Wednesday, May 31, 2023

I Have To Confess.....I Sometimes Think About Doing This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        This, of course, is the famous scene in "Rosemary's Baby," where Mia Farrow just walks into ongoing traffic, pregnant, reaches the other side, then throws the Tannis Root charm into the gutter.

                          Now, I have absolutely no suicide ideation.  If I did, I imagine I would reach out to everyone, including readers on here.  I am not Sylvia Plath.  But the actor in me is fascinated by how so willingly Mia Farrow did the scene.  She did three takes, I understand.  Roman Polanski told her, "Nobody will hit a pregnant woman."  Maybe back in 1967, when this was shot; today I am not so sure.

                        When Mia was doing it, Roman Polanski was operating the camera, so maybe drivers saw this, knew it was a film or a stunt, and gave a little leeway.  If I did it, there would be no camera operator.

                           I will say, I almost tried it, once.  On Seventh Avenue in the West Fifties, where I believe this was shot, I stared straight ahead and calmly walked a few steps into the traffic.  Almost instantly, I heard a car honking, and I had to stop it with my hands.  That did it for me.

                            Still, when in the area, this scene always comes to mind.

                            This reminds me of why I should not do it.  A former coworker of mine, crossing at Fifth Avenue to walk into Central Park, and get to our workplace on the West Side, was hit by a car, turning too fast.  He went up in the air and came down on the cemented street.   He called in at work--we were on that Saturday--and my supervisor and I tried to make him realize we would manage, that he should go to a hospital, as he could have a concussion, aneurysm or subdural hematoma.  He chose not to listen.  But I noticed a short time after, his personality changed.  He became harsh and sharp with others, especially me, when, up till then, we had always had a good working relationship.

                                So, darlings, I am not going to play Mia Farrow.

                                 Instead, I am going to concentrate on finding that sundial coffee pot!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You know I was about to say, “come on, I’ll do it with you!!”
    But no, that “wouldn’t be prudent!!”
    We’ll have to come up with other ways to live on the edge...

    So sad about your co worker; those head injuries can be devastating
    I have seen it firsthand, sadly.

  2. Victoria,
    I agree with you...not a good idea.
    But I admire Mia for doing it.

    Yes, I wish my co-worker had listened.
    He started to become something of a problem
