Wednesday, May 31, 2023

"Something Rotten...." It Was Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   ......rotten, that is.  The Narrows Community Players Of Bay Ridge, whose work we have not seen since the pre-Covid "On The Town"--unless one counts their production of "Nunsense," back in February--have done it again with their inspired production of "Something Rotten."

                                       When this opened on Broadway at the St. James Theatre in 2015, I paid slight attention to it.  I thought it another "Spamalot" knockoff, and I had no interest in the latter, nor did I ever see it.  That could change, if ever The Narrows do "Spamalot."

                                           So, I knew nothing about "Something Rotten," not the plot or score, so I had no idea what we were in for.  The opening ensemble number, "Welcome To The Renaissance," was delightful, but gave me no indication of where the show was going.  Until the arrival of the Bottom Brothers, Nick and Nigel, played by Jason Santel and Zach Driscoll, respectively.

                                            At its heart, the show is about sibling rivalry and artistic conflict.   Set during Shakespeare's time, with him wonderfully portrayed by Josh Wilie-Vidal--any relation to Gore?????????--Nick wants to outdo the Bard in his style of plays, while Nigel, the real artist of the two, wants to create a new art form called --are you ready--a Musical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              The show deals with the resolution of this situation using clever Shakespearean and Musical Theater references.  My favorite was when they duplicated the photo line up from "A Chorus Line."  All the principles were superb--I loved Kevin Podd as Shylock! --so it seems the singing and dancing never stops.  This show has momentum, and then some, particularly in Jason Santel's physically energetic performance as Nick Bottom.

                                                  Kudos too, for Chris Carter, the director and choreographer who keeps the whole thing moving.  With this, plus his work on "Nunsense," I cannot wait to see what he does next at The Narrows.

                                               The score is lively and serviceable, but no memorable showstoppers or standards.  But it is wired to the book tightly, and moves things along, as fast paced as the supporting players and ensemble.

                                                "Something Rotten" is playing one more weekend at the Fort Hamilton Army Base, just off 101st Street in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.  Theater Queens are especially encouraged to go.

                                                    Darlings, you may have more fun than expected.  I did.


  1. hmm I have never seen this OR Spamalot

  2. Victoria,
    Well, I cannot speak for "Spamalot,"
    but if a group near you does this, I would
    check it out.
