Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Actually, Girls, I Did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Yes, darlings, last night I looked into the heart of an artichoke!  David made some lovely stuffed artichokes for dinner last night, and, while we could not finish the stuffing, it was my first time actually looking into an artichoke heart.  I thought it would be more like a vagina, but it is more like an alien space form, waiting to hatch.  Which made eating it rather difficult, and while it was edible, I wondered if the Metformin attack I had later was connected to my eating this.

                             Anyway, now, thanks to me you too can "look into the heart of an artichoke"  You have to admit, dolls, it is kind of scary.

                                What would Bette Davis say about it???????????????

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