Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Today We Say Goodbye To Spring, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         A lot of things happen this week, darlings--Juneteenth was yesterday, tomorrow is the first day of Summer, and Wednesday is The Longest Day Of The Year, not to mention the birthday of the divine MERYL, who will be 74.  That is a lot for one week.

                          Today we say goodbye to Spring.  It has been a nice one, what with visits, reunions, and books read, though, for me, never enough.  My health is holding up, my diabetes seems controlled, so there is much to be graceful for this soon past Spring.

                            Meaning Proserpina is at the halfway point for her period on Earth.  So, let us make the most of the Summer, still for me, even half a century out of school, the longest of the four seasons.

                                 See you here, tomorrow, when Summer starts.

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