Friday, June 30, 2023

Congratulations, Girls, We Are Half Way Through 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Let me just say this.  If you are standing, breathing, can walk, are not in need of ambulatory care, have an active mind and body, and have made it this far, you are doing fine.

                              Who knew what the first half would bring when the ball dropped?  And now here we are!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Where has the time gone??????????????

                                    And who knows what the second half holds?  Well, shorter days, earlier darkness, holidays both cultural and religious. and before we know it, we start again.  And somewhere in this mix I become a year older.

                                      Will I make my total of 100 books read this year?  Only time will tell.

                                      Congrats to all.  We made it through the first half.

                                        I will be with you all as we experience the second!

                                        See you next month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I know, halfway through!!
    So many saying what a difficult year it’s been so far, and it certainly has been for some, however I share your attitude that there is Always something to be thankful for!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    That is what keeps me going. The years seem to go faster
    as I get older.
