Friday, June 30, 2023

Farewell To June!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       June busted out all over, like it always did.  It was kicked off here with 'Sgt. Pepper,' and then getting ready for the reunion--oh, my God, I still have pics from that I have to post--which was a tremendous success.  I have had some reading and writing challenges this month, but I am determined to plod on.  Keeping up with friends, reuniting with an old one, not to mention classmates from my past, and attending mass in the church I was baptized in.  It was quite an emotional month.

                      Not to mention, as I have, the magnificence of Ruthie Ann Miles in "The Light In The Piazza."

                       Take a look at the woman stretched out in exhaustion, in this picture. That could be me, darlings!  But if I did, I would not be on here with all you readers.  And I would not miss that for the world.

                         I hope your June was as exciting as mine.  I wish you all a happy July.  The Summer fun continues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I would love to hear more about the reunion!!!
    Was curious, you mentioned being uncomfortable staying in someone’s home?
    What happened?!!

  2. Victoria,
    The house was small, I found sleeping difficult,
    and I think the hostess was not used to company. But
    we had a nice time, in spite of it

  3. Oh I Totally understand!!!
    There is Nothing like Coming HOME after such an experience

  4. Victoria,
    Right on! At such a moment, one ges the point of
    "The Wizard Of Oz."
