Saturday, June 24, 2023

Darlings, Wouldn't This Galliano Outfit Be Perfect For My Meeting With ANNA????????????????????????

Not to  mention Gay Pride Sunday, tomorrow, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Really, Galliano is one of ANNA's favorite designers, as one of my lovely readers informed me, so when I saw this, with my inclination toward color, I knew this was the outfit for the meeting.  And a pink--what else--shirt to goe with it.

                                           I am sure ANNA will love it.  As she says, the wardrobe is not doing the job, the applicant is.  But going to ANNA inappropriately dressed????????  Oh, no No NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              So, let me know what you think, girls, and if I get that interview with ANNA, I will let you know.

                                                Hey, ANNA?  Are you, or someone on your staff , reading all this??????


  1. Love it!!!
    reminds me of a Paisley dress I wore, back in the day!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I think it would be perfect. ANNA would love it!
