Saturday, June 24, 2023

For Lovers Of Raspberry Jam, Everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          This may be something of a spoiler alert, girls, but concerning the quality of this movie, it almost does not matter.

                            I guess this is about the third time "Svengoolie" is showing this 1958 film, and while the creatures are creative--I love the seasonal Summer sound they make outside in the dark--when you see them spilt open, out comes pouring, yes, raspberry jam.  For 1958, the jam supply must have eaten up much of this film's budget.

                             Which is why it is not especially good.  Anyone brave enough to eat raspberry jam, while watching it?

                                  Nevertheless, everyone here will be watching, for laughs.  Which don't occur until the creatures appear, late in the film.

                                   Join us tonight at 8PM, girls!  Little Pippin can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. we were out last evening but you Know I would have been game for some strawberry jam!!!
    for Extra fun!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I made a mistake; it was raspberry jam. But
    it was still great fun anyway.
