Thursday, June 22, 2023

Happy Birthday To The Divinity That Is Meryl Streep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Today, the Divine MERYL turns 74, and, darlings, may we all look so good at that age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             How to celebrate MERYL's day?  I would watch one of her movies; in the present mood I am in it would be "The Devil Wears Prada."  For some, it might be one of her darker roles.

                               But I certainly don't wish anything dark for MERYL, just her health, husband and children around her, and a special cake.  With her choice of ice cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Happy Birthday, MERYL, adored by most!!!!!!!!!  May you continue to inspire with your artistry.

                                   Tennessee Williams once said of her, "I think she will age into the most marvelous Blanche."  Hey, MERYL, the way you look, you could still take on that part.

                                      Why no TW in your repertoire?  Or is there, and I just don't know it????????????