Thursday, June 22, 2023

What Should I Wear To My Interview With ANNA?????????????????????

                         Please, PLEASE, someone at "VOGUE" read these posts, and get me in there for an interview with ANNA.  She is the woman who runs this town, and as her assistant, I could turn this town on a dime.

                         So, imagining I do get an interview, what should I wear?  Here are some suggestions.  Let me know what you think.  And ANNA, if you are out there, feel free to comment.

                          The first would be this lovely pink dress, by Balenciaga, of course, with this nineteenth century styled hat.  A pair of pink shoes and socks to go with it, and maybe some pink coral pearls around the neck.  My signature color is pink, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  And when I walk into ANNA's office a blazing flame of pink, she will know right away who and what she is dealing with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or how about this three-piece pink suit, by Balenciaga, with matching pink socks and shoes??????????????



                                                                                   How about replicating what I wore to my high school reunion????????  A black sports jacket, preferably by Balenciaga, a pink polo shirt, courtesy of Ralph Lauren, and beige pants, ditto.  Combined with some pink Ralph Lauren socks and black business casual sneakers, and it just might go over.





                              Now, here is the thing, darlings.  ANNA has said--and I have heard her--time and again-- to wear what makes one feel most comfortable.  To me, this Ralph Lauren baseball cap, with my still wearable 2005 "Light In The Piazza" T-shirt, combined with Ralph Lauren pink pants, or beige, pink socks and black  business casuals is me at my most comfortable.

                                 So, what do you think, girls?????????  Let me know.  And ANNA, please give me a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Believe me, even if I get to have a word with ANNA, I will chronicle it on here!






  1. Well pink is nice for spring, but I think if you wear anything that's vintage Galliano that should get you in. Galliano is after all one of Anna's favorite designers

  2. And PS I meant to share this the other day on your post and forgot. If you want to see it entertaining Diddy Go to YouTube and put in the search box Azalea Banks- Anna Wintour. She did I really fun hip hop dance song Ode to Anna.

  3. Mistress Maddie,
    I will be sure to check that YouTube out. Thanks for the tip about Galliano. I must expand my wardrobe.
