Friday, June 23, 2023

"It's From This Which You Get Your Strength!" The Red Earth Of Tara, Tara, TARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         Yes, darlings, that is MY Tara, the house in which I was raised from 1954 until 1980.  I grew up here, and while the color is different--it was brown when I lived there--I still love it, dearly, and wish, like Scarlett, it was a place I could return/retreat to.  Alas..............

                                          Amazing how it looks the same and has been well kept.  I was inside it 12 years ago, and the interior, save for some furnishing alterations was remarkably similar.

                                          There used to be a tree right in front, that stretched to the upper front windows, which was my parents' bedroom.  Looks like it came down as time went on.

                                            David took this as a surprise for me, sneaking off to the neighborhood, while I slept deeply on Dennison Street.  Of all the pics taken of the house, this is the best.

                                                How I long to return to Tara.  But even Scarlett said something about not looking back, because it can hurt you.

                                                  Still, many thanks to David for this memory, which I can share with you.


  1. Precious memories!!
    I went by my old house the last time we were in Pennsylvania.
    Like you, I found it the same, yet different...

  2. Victoria,
    Exactly. Even realizing my fantasy of living there again, it would not be the same.
    Memories would haunt me.
