Friday, July 28, 2023

Darlings, I Need Some Viktor And Rolph In My Closet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            So, the other day, girls, I was mulling through my closet, and I saw I had no Viktor and Rolph!!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you imagine, darlings?????????????????  I have really been neglecting my designers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            The top and bottom ones are my favorites.  Especially the orange angel outfit, with the "Get Mean" logo on it.  Of course, I am not mean to anyone, darlings, except perfectly awful bitches who deserve to be put in their place.  There are quite a few out there.  I have known some in my time, and have dealt with them, accordingly.

                             But, really, aren't these outfits fabulous?????????????????

                           How I would love to wear one of these, walking along the Parc Monceau.


  1. I sure need a friend like you over here; seems like I’m surrounded by Those Types that need to be dealt with accordingly...

  2. Victoria,
    How awful for you. Just be true to yourself,
    and don't listen to their BS.
