Friday, July 28, 2023

Darlings, When In Paris, The Only Place To Stay Is At Georges Cinq!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                          You know, girls, between all the hot weather and drama going on, it is time to think of more pleasant things to do.  Like whisking away to Paris, for some romantic fashions and dining.  And what better place to stay than the Georges Cinq?????????  Just look at its beauty!  That nighttime terrace view, pictured above, could be the most romantic dinner of one's life.  Not to mention all the historical, cultural, and artistic wonder abundant in Paris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        As for the cuisine, well, besides Georges Cinq the place to dine is Le Tour D'Argent, which is by Notre Dame.  I hear one has to reserve three months ahead, unless, of course, one is ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       So, let's get on a plane and whisk ourselves to Paris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Enchante to you, too, n'estce-pas???????????????????????????????


  1. I’m with you!!!
    I’ve got to get a passport anyway, so I can travel to Japan!!
    Where my Marine Corps son and his family will be stationed for the next three years!!
    Come on, let’s make air travel Classy again!!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    My great nephew, who is in his HS marching band,
    just got back from Japan. Said it was so beautiful if
    he gets an opportunity to do an exchange program there
    in college, he will. Your son is stationed in a good
