Thursday, July 27, 2023

Girls, For Some Bright Home Decorating Ideas, How About Some Edward Lear Or Eugene Field Wallpaper???????????????

                                                      Edward Lear
                                                 Eugene Field

                                      Everyone, darlings, and believe me I am one, often needs a place where they can retreat to their childhood.  For that purpose, I suggest wallpaper like that pictured above.

                                        How refreshing and relaxing.  And, girls, if your childhood was not to your liking, you can now create the fantasy childhood you want to have.  I am a big believer in childhood and fantasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        So, don't be glum and cheer up with these stylish reminders of childhood.

                                        A timeless gift to all from one who recalls the era of Captain Kangaroo and Bunny Rabbitt!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Yea, Bunny Rabbitt!!!!!!!!!!!  He inspired ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I’m right there with you!!
    A retreat to simpler times, we’ll listen to the music, watch the shows, play with the toys and games, put on a puppet show, act out scenarios with our paper dolls, and of course play dress-up!!

  2. Victoria,
    I am all on board. Everyone needs some place
    to retreat to some time.

  3. You know it!!
    Is there anyone for children these days like Captain Kangaroo, Captain Noah, Sally Star, Shari Lewis, Mister Rogers, or the Romper Room Lady???
    where has The Innocence of childhood gone

  4. Victoria,
    Indeed, are today's children innocent? They are on social media devices by the time they are five? What about finding their own creativity, reading, etc? I am glad my childhood was when it was.
