Saturday, July 22, 2023

Girls, Send Your Thoughts And Prayers To Our Beloved Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             No, darlings, Nicholas has not left this world, but I just found out recently that he has been having a rough time.

                             The gentleman with whom Nicholas has been dwelling has not been treating our Nicholas well--ignoring him, not cleaning out his bowl or litter box--so Nicholas, became emotionally unhappy due to the neglect and began acting out by relieving himself anywhere he chose, and then running and hiding to conceal himself from everything.  Nicholas' owner found out, and took our friend to a vet, who determined that there was nothing physically wrong with Nicholas, it was emotional.

                              That's right, dears.  Nicholas was being emotionally abused!

                               Despite this despicable lack of compassion, I have to also feel for the owner, who had been battling cancer, and now it is coming back, so that, of course, will be his priority.

                               So, Nicholas' owner got in touch with a friend of his, who works at the Greek restaurant and cafe, Omonia.  He lives in Park Slope, loves cats, has several, but has a separate space just for Nicholas where he can have his privacy and independence. And this guy will be sure to give him lots of attention.

                                 But now Nicholas is further away from me and visiting him will be difficult.  Added to which he needs work on his teeth.  Meanwhile, his owner is facing triple bypass surgery.

                                  I would do anything to help Nicholas, but I am never given the opportunity.  I know Nicholas would love to see someone who genuinely loves him; I could feed, clean his box, and then just spend some time sitting with him--maybe reading--which might make Nicholas feel better, loved, and safe.

                                During the time Nicholas was at the other house, he was also losing weight.  Since he has been in Park Slope, for a month now, he has started to put on weight, a sign that he seems happier there.  And I hope the place has AC, because let me tell you, the other one did not.  And it looked like the interior of the Bates' house in "Psycho!!!!!!!!!!!"  And its owner was pretty much a Norman Bates type, but hardly as nice looking as Anthony Perkins!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               So, readers, please send your thoughts and prayers to our beloved Nicholas.  That includes Sister Camille, whom I am sure would, and Bernadette, who was a shepardess, and knows a thing or two about animals and healing.

                                  We only want the best for Nicholas!  So, send those wishes his way!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Our poor sweet Nicholas!!!
    I am Trying to be understanding but this makes me mad.
    He deserves so much better.
    He is a distinguished Gentleman!!!
    He’s crying out for help!!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    You are so right, and I wish I could help
    Nicholas. The situation just breaks my
    heart, and I would do anything for him.

    But his owner is flaky, and no matter how
    much I hint at a visit he never takes it.
    Also, he is facing something daunting himself.
    I wish there was something I could do.
