Friday, July 21, 2023

Today Is "Barbie" Day, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I mean, you know?  Like, everyone is going to go see "Barbie."  Darlings, I think each theater showing it should repaint the auditorium pink in honor of Barbie.  Pink has not dominated the screen so much since "Funny Face," back in 1957, so it is high time.

                             It will be the Gay Movie Of The Summer.  First, all that pink.  Then, the camp!  And how about Ryan Gosling as Ken?  He looks so gay!  Bet he bottoms out for Barb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And there is still Oscar buzz for Gosling?  You have GOT to be kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               But, hey, he's got nice abs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Everyone run to see "Barbie," OK??????????????????
                                 It's a Barbie world, out there!  Get used to it, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. NOOOOOOOOOOO, don't do it!!!!! The trailer along made me drink heavier.....

  2. Mistress Maddie,
    I know, I know. But I am desperate to go to a movie,
    and this looks like the camp delight of the Summer.
