Monday, July 31, 2023

It Is Time To Say Farewell, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I knew this was coming for some time, darlings, but I did not want to share it, until it was official.  It is time to say farewell to Dexter, and it breaks my heart.

                                    Do not misunderstand me.  Dexter is not dead.  Far from it.  But today, he and his owner move from Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, to embark upon a new life and new adventures in Hickory, North Carolina.

                                      I shall miss Dexter terribly, and I could tell, as he gave me a final look, he will miss me, too.  But I can also tell you the entire neighborhood in Hickory will take Dexter to their hearts!!!!!!!!  He is so sweet, lovable and affectionate.

                                      David took this shot of Dexter and me, so it will be on this blog for posterity.

                                       Goodbye, my Dexter!  You were adored and loved by all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      And you can always buy a plane ticket and come back here!

                                      Trust me, girls, he is smart enough to do so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I almost lost it when I read “farewell to Dexter”!!
    New York’s loss is North Carolina’s gain!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Mark my words, Dexter will be the toast of his
    neighborhood. His owner, I am less sure about.
    And Dexter will always have a place in my heart,
    because he touched me so.
