Monday, July 31, 2023

This Month Just Flew By, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        After that picture of Dexter, when I found this, I thought it appropriate to end the month of July with this lovely canine image.  Even from the back, it reminds me of our late friend, Chloe!!!!!!!!!!!

                        July just sailed by girls!!!!!!!!  First, I had to come down from the high of the reunion.  Then I pulled myself together, and, with a little prodding from David, saw the fabulous revival of "Sweeney Todd" now playing.  Contrast this with the awfulness of "Barbie," at least after the first forty-five minutes, which we also saw.

                         And seeing "The Uninvited," and "The Unseen," were unforgettable.  I will write about the latter in August, I guess.

                         How about that heat, darlings?  And I have a feeling we are not through yet!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        After today, July is history.  May August be a pleasant and peaceful month for us all.

                        See you here, next month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It really DID fly by!!!
    Almost as fast as the summers of childhood!!!
    Love that picture; where do you find these gorgeous images?!!

  2. Victoria,
    The hardest part of doing this blog is finding the pictures.
    The writing is comparatively easy. When I saw this picture,
    I thought it apt following the Dexter farewell. And the dog
    resembled my late friend, Chloe.
