Friday, August 11, 2023

After That Scorpion Post, Something Pretty Is Needed!!!!!!!!!!! Girls, Have You Seen What Charles de Vilmorin Can Do???????????????????

                                     When I saw this outfit, a combination of Victorian and Lewis Carroll, I knew this was a designer needing to be brought to attention.  You hear that, ANNA??????????????

                                       Isn't this simply gorgeous? The combination of cutting and patterns is exquisite, and perfect for an afternoon tea or an evening social.  If the rest of de Vilmorin's designs are like this --

                              and they are--he is the designer to watch.  Look at those colors and styles.  Is his stuff available in New York yet?  If not, why not?  Hey, ANNA, can you help this guy along?  His sense of color theory and the style it can create is simply brilliant.

                               So, now, girls, there is something pretty to look at.  Charles de Vilmorin is it and should have a great future ahead.

                               With a house in Paris, and, please, one in New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. YOU could rock that outfit for Sure!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I would love to wear de Vilmorin's designs.
    But are any sold in NYC? And thank you for the
    compliment, I would love to wear anything he can find for me!
