Friday, August 11, 2023

Yes, Darlings, There Really Is Such A Thing As A Black Scorpion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Girls, I know it is creepy, and it's kind of hard to look at, but this is in preparation for "Svengoolie" tomorrow, when he airs the 1957 gem, "The Black Scorpion."

                                         If you find this scary, like me, be thankful there aren't any running around where you live.  I can speak for myself, here in Bay Ridge.  And the one in tomorrow's film is even bigger.

                                          So set your calendar for tomorrow at 8PM, for "The Black Scorpion."

                                           More on the film tomorrow, 



  1. When the kids were stationed in California they encountered a couple of those.
    Not up close thankfully
    But just the knowledge that they were Around is enough to give one Anxiety

  2. Victoria,
    Scorpions? In California? I had no idea.
    There goes my trip to the West Coast!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Oh yes!! Rattlesnakes too!!
    Of course, they were stationed on a Marine Corps base in the actual DESERT...
