Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Happy Feast Of The Assumption!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         This is a big day for Mary; probably her biggest.  The day she died and is still the only human to enter heaven both body and soul.   We have a statue of Mary in our house, and that always offers me some comfort.  Mary has always been a presence in my life, even when I was less than my religious best.  I never stopped believing..

                            Last evening, David and I went to the vigil celebration of this feast at OLA (Our Lady Of Angels).  As I mused, I wondered something.  Mary gets two big holy days of obligation--this one, and, of course, Christmas.  Now, while the latter celebrates the birth of Jesus--the lovely Baby Jesus-- face it, girls, it could not have been pulled off without Mary.  To think what she endured in childbirth. during those times.  Mary did a lot.

                                These were two of the most important dates in Mary's life.  But there was another, March 25, The Annunciation, and I wondered last night why that is not a holy day of obligation.  I mean, the Holy Ghost was impregnating Mary then, and the angel Gabriel appeared to tell her.  And that doesn't rate a holy day of obligation?????????   I am not trying to change Church law here; I of the lowly among Catholics, but it seems to me this could be added as a holy day.

                                  Meanwhile, darlings, wish Mary happiness on this day, and pray to her that we get through our lives as bravely as she did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   "Hail Mary!" as the prayer says.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I know, I don’t understand a Lot of Catholicism.
    I was raised Lutheran myself.
    Like you, I always Believed, however some of the teachings of the church did a number on me.

  2. Victoria,
    And they certainly did a number on me.
    But I am trying to move away from that.
