Monday, August 14, 2023

What Movie Had The Greatest Wardrobe Of All Time???????????????????????? Look Here, And Find Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






                                 Those having followed me on here know by now, but, for some uninitiated, I will tell you--the answer is "Gone With The Wind."

                                    Oh, my God!  Did I say that title?  It is SO un-woke of me.  Well, you know what, darlings???????  I don't give a rat's behind!!!!!!!!!!!!  It is August, the sun is steaming, and I am infused with GWTW fever.  Either to reread the novel or see the film.  Now, David and I have a DVD of it, and on Sunday, February 25, 2024, we are going to have a viewing in honor of the 56th Anniversary of the first time I viewed it.  When I was all of 13.  And I had just read the novel.  And was captivated.

                                    Not to doubt, it will be exciting.  But nothing compares to watching it with an audience of fans, who respond in all the right places, and thrill to the luxury of its romance, and overcoming adversity.  The ultimate is seeing it on the big screen, where everyone shares in the experience and the visuals are simply magnificent.

                                      Walter Plunkett (1902-1982) was a genius!  It is shocking he never opened his own design shop!  I would kill to wear any of these outfits, wouldn't you, girl??????????  And while GWTW is his greatest achievement, he also worked on 1951's "An American In Paris," 1952's "Singin' In The Rain," and two other films of note, "1950's "Annie Get Your Gun," and 1960's "Pollyanna," with Hayley Mills!!!!!!!!!!!!!    There was no limit to his talent.

                                      "Gone With The Wind" is about a lot, including fashion.  It continues to influence down to this age.  But its removal from our culture is as un-woke as the wokers accuse those of us who love the film of being.  And for your information, darlings, I have seen "Twelve Years A Slave," and, yes, I get it, but again, see what you choose.  A woman has the right to choose.  and GWTW'ers have the right to choose and view.

                                           Frankly, my dears, those continuing to harangue this film are morons.

                                           "Fiddle-dee-dee!" darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I certainly guessed the answer!!
    Being over here in Virginia, they’re a lot more tolerant of such films!!

  2. I agree it did indeed have a fabulous wardrobe dear. But my favorite for wardrobe has always been the Norma Shearer movie Marie Antoinette. Goodness gracious were the ensembles gorgeous and the wigs jaw dropping.

  3. Victoria,
    I am glad to hear of that. Maybe I will have to travel
    South just to see this film. Sure, we have the DVD, but it
    is meant for the theater screen.

  4. Mistress Maddie,
    Oh, there are plenty of movies with fabulous wardrobes.
    I have never seen the Norma Shearer "Marie Antoinette," but
    I have heard much about it.
