Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Oh, Please Don't Cry, Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      I want all my girls to rally forth and tell Gojira how much he is loved.  He is crying because it seems some company, which has to arrange things with TOHO, has come up with a monster series on one of the networks which would feature Gojira, but in which he would no longer be King Of The Monsters!  Can you imagine?  That title is going to go to King Ghidorah, who, back in 1964, was simply known as "Ghidorah, The Three-Headed Monster."

                    What dumb exec at TOHO dubbed him King?  Has anyone forgotten that, if not for Gojira, there would be not TOHO monster universe???????????

                       Of course, Mothra is jealous, because she was not picked!

                        But Ghidorah?  Just having three heads and wings does not make one special.  An over developed dragon; that is all he is.  

                           Gojira comes in times of peace to help humanity.  And he especially loves the children, and they love him.  And all of us in this house--David, myself, Baby Gojira, Little Pippin, Ramsey, Ramsey, Jr. and Norma, The Lioness all love you very much, Gojira, so please do not cry.  That faux dragon is not worth it.

                             To us, Sister Camille, and all on here, you will ALWAYS be King Of The Monsters!

                               You have it all, Gojira!  And we love you!

                                 Send that love forth, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. We do indeed love and adore and appreciate you!!
    🎼Simply the Best...

  2. Victoria,
    Thank you for the love and appreciation.
    You made Gojira feel better.
