Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Quelle Catastrophe, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I feel so bad for "Sweeney Todd" ticket holders right now.  Since August 17, Josh Groban, so magnificent in the role, is out, due to his testing positive for Covid.  The first thing my girls and I want to do on here is wish Josh a speedy recovery.  The second is, it's not over, girls.  Covid is still out there.

                             Nicholas Christopher, who usually plays Pirelli, and whom I found lacking--but then I always found it a lacking part--is filling in for Groban, and the word on the street is that he is a pretty good Sweeney.  It may be fine for a while, but when you have a performer on the level of Josh Groban, that is what audiences want to see.

                               So, like Josh, I wish Nicholas Christopher luck in the role, but I will say I am so glad I saw the show when I did.  But if the lead has Covid, how about the rest of the company???????  Oh, no, not Ruthie Ann Miles.

                                  Ruthie will be there tonight, to break audiences' hearts, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Get well and get up there, Josh!  You are the bright hope of Broadway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sad to see so many fine performers sidelined by Covid, still.

  2. Victoria,
    Yes, it is. But if vaxed he will be up soon.
