Thursday, August 31, 2023

This Is It For August, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus, We Are Two-Thirds Through 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               August, which I have ambivalent feelings about, turned out to be a rather eventful month, for the most part, even if things peaked, then fell, after my reunion with my sister and family.

                                 It has, indeed been a summer of reunions, first my high school 50th, then with my friend, Steve, culminating with my sister, her children, and their spouses.

                                 I devoured "The Covenant Of Water" in August, and I think that may be a contender for year's end.  We saw the movie "Oppenheimer," with all its assets and flaws.   We even saw "Run," with Sarah Paulson, and the remarkable Kiera Allen, plus my favorite, "Killer Drag Queens On Dope," starring Alexis Arquette, masquerading as Eva Destruction.  With a bravura performance by Omar Alexis as Coco.

                                 And here we are on the cusp of September.  My voice is warmed up to sing "Frank Mills" in front of the Waverly, on September 12, of course, and I cannot wait to see what Fashion Week brings, and what ANNA will present to us.  Yes, it is time to think about Fall, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  There was more to August than I thought.  Wishing you the best for September.

                                 But let's all work on our wardrobes, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. yay for the BER months!!
    I’ve had about enough of this brutal heat and humidity!!!
    We have many birthdays this month.
    My husband turns Seventy!!!

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