Friday, September 1, 2023

See You In September, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Welcome, girls, to the ninth month of the year.  Not only that, when this one ends, we are three-quarters of the way through 2023!  Added to that we have entered what I call the "ber" months, when the year essentially winds down.  I am not saying it is over yet, but the approach of the first "ber" month indicates it is on its way.

                                      I cannot wait to see what ANNA has lined up for Fashion Week, but I have some suggestions I might pose.  As for this ad, well, anything Victorian will get me there.  I have an idea Belvidere, NJ is not that far away from Cape May, as the architecture looks similar.

                                        "Svengoolie" has planned a wonderful month for us; I will tell more tomorrow.  All I will see is this Saturday night's offering is a real gem.

                                            On September 10th, we are returning to The Heights Players, where last season we saw an exceptional production of "Lost In Yonkers."  Their season opener is Arthur Miller's "All My Sons," one of his plays I have never seen.  So, we are looking forward to that.

                                             And, darlings, I really have to up my reading game, if I am going to reach 100 books this year, plus doing some lengthy rereads that are overdue.  And how about that new translation of "The Brothers Karamazov," by Michae R. Katz???????????????

                                              I may have to start getting up at 5am, like ANNA!  But, my God, the way I look at that hour.  I might have to do the Joan Crawford ice cube facial, which will probably up my heart rate, let alone deprive me of needed beauty sleep.

                                                 Somehow, darlings, I manage to get it all done.

                                                As McDonald's used to say, "I do it all for you!"

                                                Wishing you all the best, for a glorious September!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. So glad you got tickets to another The Heights Players production!!!
    I really can’t complain; we have many excellent theatres around here.
    We have seen so many plays and concerts and art exhibitions over the years.
    Last week we went to the Van Gogh exhibit at the Virginia Beach convention center.
    We even went to a Dinner Theater one time!!

  2. Victoria,
    The local theaters are cheaper in price, and I
    have seen some excellent acting and staging in them.
    And never felt cheated because it was not Bway.
    Bway needs to get its act together. I cannot find
    out if Annaleigh Ashford has returned to "Sweeney Todd."
