Friday, September 1, 2023

Girls, If You Are Ever Shipwrecked On An Island, You Had Better Look Like This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          On the far right is Irish McCalla in her signature role of Jerri Turner, spoiled heiress in 1958's "She Demons."  Her opening line is priceless--"Where's my powdered blue cashmere shortie????????????"   Darlings, we simply cannot be without one.

                          Now, maybe the hair color came from a bottle, or maybe it did not, but on 50's TV, she was "Sheena, Queen Of The Jungle."  And don't we all want to have that hair, wear a leopard skin halter top, plus a skirt that barely covers the essentials?  Even if we don't have that body, girls, we can all fantasize.

                              There is no excuse for traveling without designer clothes and beauty products.  Even if one is just going to the corner store, have some make-up on hand.

                               One does not know what detours may be in store.

                               And, if you have not, girls, you have GOT to see "She Demons."  If only Svengoolie would show it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I wish I could wear makeup!!
    My poor skin gets Angry when I put anything on it.
    anything except my boring, fragrance-less products!!
    I guess people think I go for the “natural” look but trust me, it is NOT by choice!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I did not know you had such sensitive skin.
    Mine requires me to wear sun screen till the end of October.
    It takes me some time before I am ready to face the public.

  3. Oh yeah all my life.
    I’m on Dupixent now; it seems to be helping!!
