Tuesday, September 26, 2023

An Update On Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Alas, save for Cujo, Ruby and Troy, my animal friends are not doing well.  You just heard about Dexter.  Now, I have an update on my lovely Nicholas.

                        Nicholas is still safely and independently ensconced in his surroundings in Park Slope.  However, in the last two weeks, no one has visited him, and I think he is very unhappy.  He has gained back some weight, I hear, but is still acting out by pooping all over the place.  He has had every test, and there is nothing physiologically wrong with him.  He feels unloved and is tired of being shunted from home to home.  He probably feels he does not know what will happen next.

                          Girls, send your love to Nicholas.  I so wish I could visit him.  I have made it clear to the owner I would do anything to help Nicholas.  But it's like he does not hear me.

                            Meanwhile, Nicholas suffers.  I know a visit and some play time with him would cheer him up.

                            What can I do, darlings????????????????????????


  1. You got that right, he is safe, but NOT happy!!
    He deserves so much better!!!
    We LOVE you Nicholas!!!
    I just read an article about a man who befriended a FISH!!!
    I’ll email it to you.

  2. Victoria,
    I got your email, read it, and was touched. You are right; Nicholas
    deserves so much better. I have told the owner I would do anything to
    help out with his care, but it is like he does not hear me. Nevertheless, I will keep on trying.
