Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Here Is The Latest From Our Beloved Canine Friend, Dexter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              This is the House Of Dexter.


                                   This is Dexter surveying his property at sunset, like Scarlett and her father, at Tara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              And here is Dexter, pining for visitors.  I wish I could visit him.  Dexter needs some cheering up.  Everyone, send your love to Dexter.


                                    And here is Dexter showing how bored he is with Hickory, North Carolina.  He needs the bright lights and the big city, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   We love you, Dexter, and are always thinking of you.


  1. Well that was timely!! I swear I was JUST thinking “I wonder how Nicholas and Dexter are doing”!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Dexter is in a better situation than Nicholas, but he is having trouble adjusting. His owner says he cannot yet leave Dexter alone in the house, or he starts yelping and scratching at the door. Poor Dexter. I wish there was something I could do.
