Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Darlings, Have You Seen The Latest From The de Vilmorin Collection????????????????

                             There is no doubt, girls, from these pictures, that Charles de Vilmorin is the designer of the day, and he needs to bring his stuff to New York.  Look at the color on those jackets.  I want to wear each and every one.

                              And how about that dress, pictured above.  Darlings, a de Vilmorin outfit, head to toe, would make my evening.  But, really, Charles, can't you get fixed up in a shop in SoHo?????????  People will be clamoring for your style.

                              While I will be so happy to promote it.

                               Vive la France, and Charles de Vilmorin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And he is only 26, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I’ve heard of SOHO, my niece has been there, but I forgot to ask her what it stands for.
    I’m assuming “South” something??

  2. Victoria,
    SOHO in NYC means "South of Houston," which means it is south of Houston Street. I should go there more often.
