Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Ever Had Days Like This, Girls????????????????????????

                                     I have, I can tell you.  The evening after watching "The Return Of The Vampire," I had a bad night, where I could not sleep.  It happens every couple of months.  I don't know what to do. 

                                      Also, this dreary weather, courtesy of Ophelia, is getting me down in the dumps.  I mean, five straight days of gloom????????????  Add to that the elevator in our building is not working, we are on the fifth floor, we have some elderly folk up on six, and no sign of when repair will begin.  I feel like Joan Fontaine in "Rebecca."  Wish I had her wardrobe, though.

                                        Take me to Wonderland, Alice!  I am ready.


  1. Sorry to hear of your sleep disturbances; I can relate.

    So, what is the policy for the elderly or disabled residents?
    At mother’s retirement place, one or more of the elevators always seems to be out of service.
    For what they pay to live there, it is inexcusable.

  2. Victoria,
    I agree with you. We have elderly and disabled here, and when the elevator goes, it is hardest on them. Some of us pitch in and help. But ours is working now, for the time being.
