Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Girls, Make Sure You Lock Your Doors Before Sleeping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            If you want to keep on looking like Frances Dade, here, darlings, you had better lock up before you go to sleep.  If you don't want vampire hickeys in the middle of the night, you might want to hang out some garlic and wolfbane.

                              I mean, us girls have to get our beauty rest, and it cannot be disturbed by two legged vermin.  Oh, and keep a crucifix at hand, to drive said visitor away.

                               But what a great close-up shot.

                                We should all look that good, when asleep.


  1. Wolfbane lol
    I wouldn’t be surprised if parents start naming their children that!!
    I do know of a baby named “Wolf”

  2. Victoria,
    I knew a girl in college whose last name with Wolfe, and I am sure she could not wait to change it.
