Saturday, September 23, 2023

Tonight "Svengoolie" Presents A Film Very Special To Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           This film is special in many ways, but for me it was the very first horror film I ever saw, and it scared me outright.  The scene where the children are sleeping, and the double doors open, wind blowing, and leaves pouring in, and the vampire enters, standing over the little girl's bed truly frightened me.  I thought for a long time that someone was going to come into my room, even though it was above ground, and hurt me.

                                             Needless to say, I never forgot it.  But there are some other special things about this movie.

                                              It marked the screen debut of Nina Foch.  Oh, my God, that hair!  And this is Frieda Inescourt's signature performance, as Lady Jane Ainsely. Darlings, her style of dress, and her stern, clipped tones in speaking are just too much, and, I am sure, invited a whole slew of Inescourt imitators.  But only she defined it.

                                                Now, starring Bela Lugosi, in what essentially is his Dracula role, one might think the film would be titled "The Return Of Dracula."  That is what Columbia, who released the film, in 1943, wanted to call it.  But because of copyright ownership by Universal, the name had to be changed to the wonderful "Armand Tesla."  Listen to how caressingly Inescourt pronounces that name, at the start! 

                                                 Fifteen years later, Francis Lederer played the Count in 1958's "The Return Of Dracula," released by a lesser film company, United Artists.  Maybe that is how the copyright problem was solved.  However, when this film was released to television, where I first saw it, the title was changed to "The Curse Of Dracula."   Confused?  Don't worry, girls.

                                                   "The Return Of The Vampire" is considered by many film historians to be an unofficial sequel to "Dracula."  Too bad it took twelve years.  Had Universal released it, the title indeed would have been "The Return Of Dracula."  So, remember, girls, for all this talk of "Armand Tesla," Lugosi is essentially playing Dracula.

                                                      This is one film, girls, not to be missed.  Hope to see you at 8PM.  Baby Gojira and Pippin are SO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           And here is the film's iconic shot, with Nina Foch.  How many of us would love to have that hair????????????????



  1. aww I missed it!!
    Yes I want Nina Foch hair!!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    If he shows it again, this is a must.
    For Columbia it is very well done--great sets, costumes and art direction. And, of course, Nina Foch's hair!
