Friday, September 22, 2023

Lest We Forget.................

                              This, of course, is the most important blog post of the day.  Thirteen years ago, this evening, Tyler Clementi, that sweet young man, took his fatal leap from the George Washington Bridge, having been outed by two I still find unforgivable.  It changed the fabric of the LGBQT community.

                               Not only that, but it also brought focus to bullying and teen-aged suicide.   The Trevor Project, the "It Gets Better" movement, and The Tyler Clementi Foundation all developed in the wake of this tragedy.

                                 Maybe this is why a feeling of sadness permeated me today.  I can't help thinking of Tyler's last moments on the bridge, feeling no help for him was unavailable.  And then that irrevocable leap into space.

                                  He would be 31 years old today, probably in some form of scientific research, and I feel he would have kept up with his music.  His choices were endless.  But he felt paralyzed to the point of helplessness.

                                   No one should have to feel that.  As I said then, and do now, any future Tylers can reach out to me on this blog.  I will listen.

                                     My thoughts are with Tyler's parents and brothers on this day.

                                     A day we must never forget.


  1. I won’t forget.
    Bless you for offering guidance and compassion.

  2. Victoria,
    After what happened to Tyler, I felt I had to reach out.
    May he be at peace now.
