Friday, September 22, 2023

Him Honorable Slob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                                     Who says obesity does not have a place in entertainment.

                                       In Sixties comics, there was not only Herbie and Little Lotta, but an underworld villain called Fatman, and on TV there was Stubby Kaye, a musical theater veteran on "Shenanigans," not to mention, or forget, Victor Buono in 'Baby Jane', and as King Tut on "Batman."

                                        Sophie Tucker, back in the day, was plus sized, and how about Patsy Kelly?

                                         Today, Nathan Lane may be a little porky, but it has not halted his career.

                                          Whatever one's reason for being plus sized, it should not be a fault, and these examples prove. that, in many cases, talent wins out over appearance.

                                             Which is the way it should be, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Fatman looks a bit like Peter Griffin!!
    Family Guy has mentioned Little Lotta too!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I looked up Fatman, and you are right! When I first discovered him, Peter Griffin had not been created. David is the Family Guy expert, so I will ask him about Little Lotta. I loved her!
