Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Decorating On The Cheap, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Now, here is an idea cheaper than having a professional designer do it.  Be your own professional designer, instead, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         This is one of my favorite patterns.  Years earlier, and still single, someone gave me some paper wrapping--a yellow background with orange polka dots.  I took it and taped it to a wall.  It made such a beautiful decal, that I wished for more fabric or paper like it, so I could fill in all the wall space in my apartment.

                            Which is what I am suggesting you do, girls.  Find a fabric or paper wrap that suits you and fill in all that empty wall space with it.  Your home/apartment will look like a fashion salon.  ANNA would be impressed.

                             Start right now, girls, Go out and find the pattern that is you, and start decorating.

                              All you need is the material and lots of tape.

                             We all deserve the best, don't we, girls?????????????????????


  1. omg we think alike!!
    I have done that with gift wrap, with pretty shopping bags and placemats, with colorful beach towels, even once with a groovy vinyl tablecloth!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Indeed we do. And the possibilities are endless, without costing much.
