Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Will This Become The Symbol Of The Baby Boomer Generation???????????????????

                                            It's Andy Warhol, darlings, so it is pretty seminal.

                                            But to how many of us boomers is that can more than just a painting?  When I was young, and ill, with flu, or stomach virus, which I had a lot during my childhood, the first sign of recovery was nothing more comforting than a can of Campbell's Tomato Soup, made with milk, so it became Cream Of Tomato.  Just thinking about this makes me want to curl up in bed with a cup right now.   But I have things to do, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              If there has to be a symbol of the boomer generation, I cannot think of one better than this.  I am sure there are some out there for whom this is a guilty pleasure.  Because it brings back those comforting times.

                                              So, when you are feeling down and not your best, reach for that can of Campbell's.  With milk.

                                               That is all it takes, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. we have Several of the ole red n white cans on the shelf, as well as a few of the fancy ones.
    Honestly, I prefer the old classics myself!!!
    Come on winter, we are ready for some soup!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Yes, the old classics are the best.
    And soup is best in the winter. I am looking forward to some
    cooler weather.
