Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Has Keith Haring's Artistry Been Forgotten??????????????????

                                            We have an actual Keith Haring work, adjoining the left side wall leading into our bedroom.  It is titled "Safe Sex," has a black-and-white linear style, depicting a smiling penis holding in his right hand on a condom, as encouragement for prevention of AIDS, which Haring, born on May 4, 1958, tragically died from on February 16, 1990, at the young age of 31.

                                              My earliest memory of Haring's work was the men's room wall at the LGBQT Center in Manhattan.  Above the urinals was a mural depicting, again in black and white linear fashion, groups of men in various sexual positions, penises posing, suggesting homosexual freedom.  Which Haring believed in.  I even recall seeing his work on subway walls, in the early days.  Better than what is seen there now.

                                                  As you know, darlings, I love artists who are awash with color.  Keith Haring was no exception; his work seemed to be influenced by traditionalists like Cecil Beaton, but then taken to the extreme.  Have a look--


                                      Look at the use of color in these works.  Beaton and maybe the cover art of The Beatles 'Sgt. Pepper' album could be considered influences.  Hey, ANNA, how about a tribute to Keith, if "VOGUE" has not done one already??????????????

                                       How about these, darlings????????????????



                                     Just look at these shirts!  I am sure they come in all sizes. There are also sweatshirts, underwear, and pants, which I will show you.  But aren't these stunning, girls?  ANNA, please display some of this at once.      





Now, just look at these pants, girls!  Keith Haring knew how to use color, and there is no reason why "VOGUE" cannot do a story on him--I mean it is 33 years after his death.  An entire generation has gone by; is this gifted artist to be forgotten?  Not if I can help it, so please, ANNA, take some suggestions from one who knows.

As for the rest of us, darlings, why not some Keith Haring, to liven up our Fall wardrobe???????????


  1. we do love our bright colors and groovy patterns!!!
    So entertaining to browse wall art, curtains, bedspreads, towels, and pillows!!
    If I cannot afford the big ticket items, even a pretty potholder is enough to lift my spirits!!!

  2. Victoria,
    The right potholder can make a difference. Not every
    accessory has to be super expensive. As ANNA says,
    "Fashion is for everyone."
